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2024. First group photo at Oregon State. 

2023. Dr. Lin was selected as Research Advancement Academy Fellow at Oregon State University.

Thank you so much for the great support from MIME, College of Engineering and OSU! 

2023. Yuhui and Yisong joined the group, Welcome!

2023. Halil started as Assistant Professor at İzmir Institute of Technology, Congratulations!

2023. Junaid and Abishek joined the group, Welcome!

2022. Dr. Lin was selected to receive the Chao & Trigger Young Manufacturing Engineer Award!

2022. Halil passed his defense, congratulations Dr. Hetik!

2021. Halil's Paper, entitled "3D Printed MXene Aerogels with Truly 3D Macrostructure and Highly Engineered Microstructure for Enhanced Electrical and Electrochemical Performance", was published in Advanced Materials. Congratulations!

2021. Halil's Paper, entitled "Additive Manufacturing of 3D Aerogels and Porous Scaffolds: A Review", was published in Advanced Functional Materials. Congratulations!       


2021. Halil's Paper, entitled "3D Freeze-printed Cellulose-based Aerogels: Obtaining Truly 3D Shapes, and Functionalization with Cross-linking and Conductive Additives", is selected as Outstanding Paper Award of the SME 49th North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC), Cincinnati, Ohio. Congratulations!       

2021. Dr. Lin was selected to participate in the 2021 National Academy of Engineering (NAE) European Union-U.S. Frontiers of Engineering (EU-US FOE) Symposium.


2021. Dr. Lin was appointed as Associate Editor for the Journal of Manufacturing Processes.


2021. Dr. Lin was selected as the Topic Broad Editor for the Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing.


2021. Keely has been selected as the recipient of the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Gaithersburg Fellowship of NIST, congratulations!


2021. Guang won ISC scholarship, congratulations!


2021. Halil's paper: "Bioinspired Manufacturing of Aerogels with Precisely Manipulated Surface Microstructure through Controlled Local Temperature Gradients" is published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.


2020. How the Lightest Materials in the World Absorb Sound: Scientists find that aerogels may make effective, ultralightweight noise barriers


2020. Dr. Lin is selected as Don and Linda Glaser Keystone Research Scholar, Thank you so much for the great support from Carl R. Ice College of Engineering!


2020. Check this news: "Kan. universities see jump in COVID-19 cases as students congregate", Hays Post (2020/09/01)


2020. Halil's paper: "High Speed In-Situ X-Ray Imaging of 3D Freeze Printing of Aerogels" is published in Additive Manufacturing.


2020. Dr. Lin is selected as this year's Outstanding Assistant Professor Award recipient! Thank you so much for the great support from Carl R. Ice College of Engineering!


2020. Pedram's paper: "3D Printing of Ultrahigh Strength Continuous Carbon Fiber Composites", is among the top 10% most downloaded papers in Advanced Engineering Materials!


2020. Dr. Lin was on Purdue IE website: Two IE Alumni Receive NSF CAREER Grants.


2020. Dr. Lin received NSF CAREER Award! Thank you so much for the great support from NSF Advanced Manufacturing Program!


2019. Our paper:  “Electrohydrodynamic Jet Printing Driven by a Triboelectric Nanogenerator” has been published in Advanced Functional Materials.


2019. Pedram won the 2019 Gattani Outstanding Graduate Student Award! Congratulations!


2019. Halil won Johnson Cancer Center summer graduate student stipend! Congratulations!


2018. Dr. Lin was interviewed by Future Tech Podcast:

2018. Pedram's paper: "A Review on Additive Manufacturing of Polymer-Fiber Composites" is #1 most downloaded paper in Composite Structures, Congratulations!


2018. Our paper:  “3D Printing Polymer Hollow Template-Mediated Graphene Lattice with Tailorable Architectures and Multifunctional Properties” has been published in ACS Nano.


2017. Dr. Lin was on Purdue IE website: Alum breaks world record with 3-D printed graphene aerogel


2017. Our Paper has been selected as Back Cover of Small.

Metallic Aerogels: 3D Printing Hierarchical Silver Nanowire Aerogel with Highly Compressive Resilience and Tensile Elongation through Tunable Poisson's Ratio (Small 38/2017)


In article number 1701756, P. Yan, D. Lin, and co-workers report a novel three-dimensional freeze assembling printing technique for silver nanowire aerogels with controllable density (down to 1.3 mg cm−3), high electrical conductivity of 1.3 S cm−1, and excellent compressive resilience under 50% compressive strain. Remarkably, the printing methodology also enables the tuning of aerogel architectures with Poisson's ratio from negative to positive.

2017. Our group's research has been reported by KSNT:

Kansas State Researchers Win Guinness World Record

MANHATTAN, Kan. (KSNT) – Researchers at Kansas State University won a record from Guinness World Records.

Dr. Dong Lin holds his research group’s Guinness World Record Certificate.




2017. Dr. Lin was interviewed by K-State News:


Record-holder: GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS ™ names engineers' graphene aerogel as world's least dense 3-D printed structure


News link:


2017. Guinness World Records: The least dense 3D-printed structure is an aerogel made of graphene, which has a density of 0.5 mg/cm³. It was made by researchers at Kansas State University, State University of New York (both USA), and Harbin Institute of Technology (China) in February 2016.




2017. Our 3D printed graphene and nanocellulose aerogels were presented at Centre Pompidou

spotlight on 3D printed art in new 'Printing the World' exhibition


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